Join us for the MomenTUm ceremony on September 29!

26 september 2023

1,300 students will receive their bachelor's diploma during MomenTUm on September 29. And we'd like to celebrate with you!

Even if you don't receive a diploma yourself, you can join MomenTUm and celebrate with your fellow students! We have a great program, full of music, dance and speeches. Get inspired by the presentation of TU/e alumnus Max Aerts (founder of DENS), applaud the winners of the Best Teacher Awards 2023 and watch students being put in the spotlight during MomenTUm For You.

The ceremony starts at 12:00. You can order a free ticket via It is not possible to order extra tickets for guests.

A celebration the size of MomenTUm may unfortunately cause some inconvenience. Please keep the following in mind:

Monday 25 September until Wednesday 27 September

  • The construction of MomenTUm has started today. What you will notice is that the stairs outside (main entrance) are no longer accessible. The library is still open and the elevators are accessible.

Thursday 28 September

  • The library is fully closed today. The stairs outside (main entrance) are also closed. From 17:00 hours, the lifts can only be used by going directly to the ground floor. The stopover on the 1st floor will be temporarily unavailable. From 19:00 hours MetaForum is no longer accessible.

Friday 29 September

  • The library is fully closed today. Access to MetaForum on the day of MomenTUm can be done via the Luna walkway and the elevator behind the stairs outside (main entrance). If you enter MetaForum via the elevator, it is not possible to stop on the first floor.
  • The meeting rooms on the ground floor are accessible via the Luna walkway.
  • LIS is closed the entire day (only today).
  • No access to MetaForum at the following times: between 11:00 hours and 12:30 hours and between 15:00 hours and 16:30 hours.

Saturday 30 September

  • The library is open again and only accessible via the elevators.

Monday 2 October

  • The stairs outside (main entrance) are still not accessible. The library is open again and the elevators are accessible.

Tuesday 3 October

  • The stairs outside (main entrance) are not accessible in the morning, but everything will be fully accessible in the afternoon. There will be no more constructions.