ALSP beurs

ALSP Scholarship

Named in honor of the former TU/e President, the Amandus H. Lundqvist Scholarship Program (ALSP) awards scholarships to excellent students who have been admitted to a TU/e Master’s program. The scholarships are awarded to students who have achieved the highest grades from their previous education and are highly motivated to follow a TU/e Master’s program. The ALSP is open to students with a previous education at world-renowned universities outside the Netherlands and to TU/e Bachelor’s students who will follow a TU/e Master’s.

The information on this page is for students currently enrolled in their final year of a TU/e Bachelor’s program and who will start their TU/e Master’s in September.

What does it entail?

The ALSP scholarship covers the two years of the Master's degree program at the TU/e and will pay your tuition fee and a contribution to your living expenses of €5,000 for each year of the two years of the Master's program (a total of €10,000 for the 2 year Master's program plus your full tuition fee).

How to apply

Excellent students currently enrolled in their final year of a TU/e Bachelor’s program receive an invitation by email from the ESA International Office, on behalf of the ALSP Foundation to apply for the scholarship. In order to apply, the selected students are asked to provide:

  • Curriculum Vitae;
  • Motivation letter (maximum ¾ A4, letter type 11).

Deadline for all documents to be received: February 20th 2022. 


  1. In January, TU/e Bachelor’s students who have been studying at nominal speed, with a GPA of 80% or higher will be invited by the ESA International Office to submit an application for the ALSP scholarship
  2. Candidates submit the above-mentioned documents by February 20th at the latest.
  3. The ALSP selection committee will review the applications and select the students with the highest grades and best motivation.
  4. All applicants will be informed mid-April if they are through to the next stage of the selection procedure.
  5. Selected students will be asked mid-April to complete a questionnaire on their personality and characteristics. Full information on the content of the online questionnaire will be sent to candidates at the same time as the questionnaire. As a result of this questionnaire, an interview might follow.
  6. The TU/e Scholarship Selection Committee will then decide which students will be awarded a scholarship.
  7. Candidates will be informed if they have been awarded an ALSP scholarship at the beginning of May 2022.

Please note 

  • ALSP scholarships are awarded for a specific Master's program (as indicated by the candidate in the application documents) starting in a specific academic year and cannot be transferred to other Master's programs or another starting date.
  • Continuation of the scholarship during the two years of the Master's program depends on the academic achievements of the student. The student’s academic results will be assessed in the spring following the start of the program.
  • ALSP scholarships are not available to Master's students who are already enrolled at TU/e.