Vertrouwenscontactpersonen (peer listeners)

Heb je iets vervelends meegemaakt? Zit je iets dwars? Of ben je niet op je best? Then let's talk about it!  

Wij zijn 24 studenten die een training hebben gevolgd en jouw vertrouwenscontactpersoon (peer listener) kunnen zijn. Of je vraag nu groot of klein is, wij zijn er om naar je te luisteren en je door te verwijzen naar de beschikbare ondersteuning.

Het studentenleven aan de TU/e kan een rollercoaster van ervaringen zijn. Wij kennen het gevoel! Soms vind je het geweldig en gaat alles goed. En soms voel je je verloren en weet je niet wat je moet doen om je beter te voelen. Wij moedigen je aan om over deze hoogte- en dieptepunten te praten. Wij luisteren naar je en helpen je uitzoeken wat de beste vervolgstappen zijn en met wie je contact kunt opnemen voor ondersteuning.

Of je nu gewoon een praatje wil maken, hulp wil bij het zoeken van proffessionele hulp of samen wil kijken wat je nu het beste kunt doen: wij zijn er voor je. En natuurlijk blijft alles wat je deelt volledig vertrouwelijk. Dus kies een vertrouwenscontactpersoon met wie je denkt dat je de beste klikt hebt en let's talk about it!  

Contact us!

Psychology & Technology / Intermate, E.S.T. Fellenoord, student team InMotion, Departmental Council IE&IS

Charlotte van Dongen

Last year I struggled a lot with my study choice. I started studying Mechanical Engineering, but soon found out it was the wrong choice for me. After a lot of stress about switching studies, talks with both study advisors and fellow students, I started my current study Psychology & Technology, which I am liking so much more!

Psychology and Technology / E.S.C., Intermate

Julia Barenbrug

I am Julia! I am 21 years old and currently in my third year of the bachelor Psychology & Technology! I am a member of E.S.C and Intermate. In my daily life I like to be active and I often get together with friends to hang out!

Medical Sciences and Engineering / SSRE, Footloose

Mariska Jansen

In my spare time I love to knit (mostly hats or socks) or to upcycle damaged/old clothing and I have a cat named Flip. I used to study psychology in Rotterdam. Hence the interest to become a contact person. I have decided to delay my studies by a year to be able to experience and learn things outside of my studies (e.g. student team, committees, work etc.). I hope to have given you some more insight about myself and you get the vibe that I would love to meet up and talk or chill if you would like to!

Built Environment / Cheops

Sofie van Stam

I know your student life may seem like the best time of your life, but it can be overwhelming so you don't always have to feel like this. I am always in for a chat so if you ever feel the need to talk to someone, I am there for you!

Applied Psychology / Footloose and Hubble

Danny Nathaniel Noë

As the new events manager of Hubble Community Café, I would gladly invite you over here for a talk over coffee or tea. If you would feel more comfortable to share your thoughts during a walk around campus, that is also fine. In my free time I enjoy going for long walks, joining Footloose with some Zouk or Street Dance and lastly just any activity in the water. My forte is not communicating through text or emails, I prefer giving my full attention to others in person.

Mechanical Engineering / SSRE

Raya Giezenaar

I am a listener, like to take care of the people around me, and have a down-to-earth approach. If you feel like you need someone to talk to, you can always contact me to grab a cup of coffee or tea!

Data Science / SSRE, D.S.A. Pattern, GEWIS

Martijn Sips

In my spare time I like to play sports (football, squash, running), but also be busy with various committees, work, and hanging out with my friends. If you need help with something or just want a listening ear, don’t hesitate to contact me. I am glad to help you and remember that you are not out there on your own!

Mathematics / GEWIS

Miguel Oliveira Prazeres

It’s about balance for me, I love to exercise, surf and have a million different hobbies and interests, while if my friends had to described me in a word would say , calm, open and passionate. I’m an international that, in the past, has dealt with pressure and feeling inadequate and I know that talking can make the difference. I hope to listen, guide or just chat about anything really, with anyone who might need it, so don’t hesitate to send me a message.

Industrial Design, Applied Ethics / Lucid

Isabel Kuipers

Hi there! I’m a nonbinary and queer person (I use all pronouns) :) I describe myself as a creative chaotic centipede, I like to try out everything creative. I am also part of the extra study help advisory committee and an employee at Lighthouse, a student-wellbeing platform. During my bachelor’s I’ve struggled a lot with both physical (chronic pain & epilepsy) and mental health issues, and I have received a lot of support from this university. I’ve learned how to deal with my struggles and adjust as a student. With my experience, I hope as a CCP I can lend a listening ear to whomever needs it. Do not hesitate to contact me!

Biomedical Technology / Dekate Mousa

Ari Masot Llima

As an international student and member of the LGBTQ+ community I want to make sure that everyone gets a chance to feel welcomed and heard in the university, and hopefully help people find their communities. In my spare time you'll often find me practicing photography, bouldering or reading some fantasy/sci-fi. If you feel like you could use someone to chat to about something personal, let me know! I will lend an ear with no judgement.

Mathematics and Computer Science / representing internationals

Kostadin Patraneskov

As an international student who originally came in The Netherlands back in 2020, I experienced the lockdown in my first year of education, because of that I even took a gap year. I have seen it all and know what it’s like to feel lost in the first years of adulthood, which is why I wish to help others in a similar position. In my free time I’m an amateur guitar player, I do photography and lots of different sports. If there's something on your mind, feel free to reach out - I'll listen and try my best to help you with what I can!

Mathematics and Computer Science / Twist

Lászlo Rovers

In my spare time I love hanging out with friends and trying out all sorts of new things. For this reason I love being a part of Twist, as it perfectly combines the two! I think that it is very important that everybody has the opportunity to talk to someone who actually listens to certain problems you may be dealing with. Exactly why I volunteered to be a Confidential Contact Person! Please do not hesitate to reach out in case you think a peer listener could help you with getting on top of your problems, it’s okay to not always be okay. I’m most definitely up for a coffee or a walk around campus.

Applied Mathematics / GEWIS, ESMG Quadrivium, ESDV Footloose

Arend Verbeek

I've loved mathematics for years, but recently I learned I love helping people even more, that's why I'm now working on becoming a math’s teacher. My hobbies are music, dancing and going out into nature. From personal experience I know a lot about topics like; gender- and sexual identity, dealing with a lack of motivation and being yourself, but feel free to reach out regarding any topic.

Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering / E.S.V.V. Pusphaira

Marloes van Driel

I think we can prevent mental health problems by talking more about how we feel and I hoop to be able to help increase mental health within the communities of the TU/e.

Psychology & Technology / SSRE, Intermate

Renske Lycklama à Nijeholt

Fun fact: I’m one of the creators of the mental health podcast Mentalitijd :)

Electrical Engineering / e.t.s.v. Thor, ESV Demos, Aster

Jurre Wolters

Fun fact: I’m in a promotional video of the TU/e, but not the one for my study. Why I have become a contact point: I think being a listener is going a long way with helping student cope with the problems they are facing.

Applied Physics / Van der Waals, Nayade, Quadrivium, La Tuna

Casper Pieck

I am in my third year of the Applied Physics bachelor and I am pretty active in many different associations, mainly VDWaals, Nayade, Quadrivium and La Tuna. The work-life balance required for this is something i'm very mindful of. In my alone-time i'm mostly busy listening to or making music or playing games. I also like to have deep conversations that switch to stupid ones and vice versa.

Operational management and logistics / Hubble Community Café, S.P.V. Blue

Janine van Buel

I love the quote of Dr. Wayne Dyer: ‘When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.’ He is an amazing motivational speaker and what he means with this quote is that: what we are looking at is not nearly as important as how we are looking at it. Our perception of the world is created by the way we interpret it, and therefore, our experiences in life are designed the way we expect them to be. If we want to change this, we should change the way we look at things. Easier said than done, but it did fix my interpretation and experiences in life in a relatively easy way. Let’s start with always be humble and kind.

Applied Physics / Van der Waals, Doppio

Nuriye van Lamoen

Currently, I’m one of Doppio’s confidential contact points and that’s a wonderful job to do. It’s amazing to experience how well you can help someone by simply listening and guiding someone their way into acceptance or salvation of their problem.

Sustainable Innovation / SSRE, Team SOLID

Mandie Klessens

During my student time I have come to realize the importance of having someone to listen to you. I hope to provide this for people who just need somebody to talk to.

Applied Physics / a.s.v. SSRE, IMPACT, van der Waals

Thom de Moor

I’m the type of student who spends more time on extracurricular activities than my actual study. In my spare time I have a job, do committee work and exercise a lot (fitness, kickboxing and Japanese jujitsu). As a CCP I hope to offer a listening ear to anyone who needs it. I’m open to talk about anything at any time. So, don’t hesitate to send a message!

Built Environment / Cosmos, Chronos, Intermate, Hubble, Cheops, Hajraa

Arjun Tyagi

As an international student, I have found myself comfortable around different communities at TU/e, many students find this difficult, Dutch or otherwise. I want to amongst other issues that I’d like to assist resolve, I want to help students find a sense of belonging, like I found. Just like a typical extrovert, I gain energy by social interactions, and I can always make time for new interactions.

Industrial and Applied Mathematics and Science Education / GEWIS

Hannah van Egmond

Friends know me as someone who is always enthusiastic. And so am I for being a confidential contact person! I like helping other people and I think it is important that everyone feels free to share their struggles with someone. Also as a student mentor I have good conversations with other students. 

Meer informatie

Wil je meer weten? Neem contact met Lara Hofstra op via 040 - 247 5798 of onderstaand contactformulier. 

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