Transitional arrangements

Transitional arrangements

The Bachelor’s program Applied Physics is part of the TU/e Bachelor College which is being adjusted.  All students starting their TU/e bachelor’s program September 1, 2023 or later, will follow the new curriculum. If you started your bachelor’s program before September 1, 2023, you will continue your program according to the current curriculum.

If you are or will be delayed in your studies, transitional arrangements will usually apply. Below you can see which transitional arrangement will apply to first-year (basic) courses (if subject to change) and adjust your planning accordingly.

Basic courses

In the new Bachelor College curriculum, the topics of the basic courses are integrated in the core program. This affects the basic courses in the current curriculum.

The basic course Calculus (2WAB0, 2WBB0, 2WCB0) will remain. Engineering Design (4WBB0) will be offered for the last time in the academic year 2023/2024. In the following years it will be replaced by a multidisciplinary challenge (4CBLW00) in quarter 4. The basic courses Applied Natural Sciences (3NAB0, 3NBB0), Data Analytics (2IAB0) and USE Basic (0SAB0) will be phased out. On this webpage and in OSIRIS Course Catalogue you will find the details you need to make your planning. 

Major courses and electives

For the Bachelor's program Applied Physics, in academic year 2023-2024, none of the current first-year courses will be taught anymore. Some will be replaced by similar courses, others will not. You have two options if you did not pass a course that will be phased out. 

Option 1: Retake the exam of the old course

All current first-year courses that are phased out will get two exam options in 2023-2024. The results from mid-term tests from 2022-2023 will remain valid when they have a positive impact on your final grade.

Points of attention:

  • No on-campus educational activities will be offered apart from some basic courses.
  • The exam might be in a different quarter than it was last year, please check OSIRIS Course Catalogue.
  • The major courses Experimental Physics 1 (3A1X0) and Experimental Physics 2 (3A2X0) will offer a custom retake possibility for the experimental parts of their courses. Please get in touch with the responsible teacher no later than two weeks before the registration deadline of the course.

Option 2: Register for the replacement course from the new curriculum

You can join the new course and follow the on-campus educational activities. Please check the table below which courses from the new curriculum are a replacement for old courses including the quarter they are taught. See also the presentation of the information session on April 5, 2023.

Points of attention:

  • Some replacement courses will not be in the same quarter as the old course.
  • The new courses will not completely have the same content as the old courses, they might be more challenging.
  • Some courses will not offer a replacement option until 2024-2025, please check the table below.
  • If you decide to register for one or more of the replacement courses from the table below, the CSA AP will adjust your exam program by replacing the old course by the new one. This will be done before the start of the new course. You do not need to contact the CSA AP of this. We will do this for you. You also do not need permission from the EC AP or SPC AP because the replacement is part of the Program and Examination Regulations.

More information

Do you have questions about the new curriculum or the transitional arrangements? We are happy to help you. You can see if your question is in the FAQ. We are always adding to the FAQ, so check back regularly for updates. For questions about your personal situation, please contact the Applied Physics academic advisors.