

The elective part of your Bachelor’s program consists of 45 credits of electives. Depending on your ambitions, interests and capabilities you could, for example, decide to deepen your knowledge of your major, explore the boundaries between a number of disciplines, study a combination of two majors (possibly to gain two degree certificates), take on the challenge of an Honors program or obtain a second-level teaching qualification for pre-university education.

Requirements of your elective space
Your elective space will be assessed on 2 criteria: sufficient level and overlap courses.

1.Sufficient level
The elective space needs to have a minimum of 30 EC spent on level 2 or level 3 courses of which al least 15 EC must be spent on level 3 courses. The level of each course is mentioned in the PlanApp or in the Osiris Course Catalogue.

2. Overlap
The elective courses you choose are not allowed to have any overlap with our major courses. You can check this yourself via the list of excluded overlap courses on the education guide.

Additional Conditions

Your elective space will be assessed on the above criteria: sufficient level and overlap courses. However, when approving the elective program, overlap in time slotsscheduling of the courses and the entry requirements for the selected courses are not taken into account. This is the sole responsibility of the student.Therefore, it is important to keep in mind the needed prerequisites of a course as well as the time slot of a course. The Osiris course catalogue, the PlanApp, and this website can help you with this.

Submitting your proposal
You can submit your proposal for evaluations via the PlanApp once you have compiled your complete proposal for the elective space and earned at least 90 credits. More information on how to do this can be found at this education guide page.

Tip: Would you like to do a Masters’ after you finished the Bachelor College? We advise you to also check this website. If your major doesn’t give direct admission to the Masters’ program, you could take homologation courses as free electives. Contact the academic advisor of the Master’s program for more information.

More information

Want to know more? Contact Teacher Coach AP via teachercoach.ap@tue.nl.