Taking part in an Innovation Space Project (ISBEP) gives you the chance to work on an innovative project in a interdiciplinary team. This counts as a 15 ECTS coherent package, which you can choose as part of your elective space.  

The ISBEP is a group project where you work in interdisciplinary teams on real world problems. The projects are organized and facilitated by Innovation Space, but for BCS students grading is done by a teacher from Computer Science. Students from other departments will follow this project as their Bachelor End Project, for BCS students the ISBEP is taken in elective space, the procedures en entry requirements are therefore slightly different.

Entry requirements:

To register for the ISBEP you need to have completed the following two courses AT THE TIME OF YOUR REGISTRATION:

•           Programming methods (2IPC0)

•           Datamodelling and databases (2ID50)

More information

1. You can get more information on the ISBEP project by visiting the innovation space pages

2. To get even more information you can register for the ISBEP info event via the same page.

Registration steps

3. If you want to participate in the ISBEP you register via Eventbrite on for the ISBEP pitch event where you meet the challenge owners and get info on the projects

4. And at the same time you register for the course 2ISP0 in Osiris, please note your registration will not be accepted if you do not meet the entry requirements upon enrollment.

5. After the ISBEP Pitch Event you can let your preference for participating in a challenge know via registration for ISBEP05 in OSIRIS. See innovation space page for details: Please note that this registration is not valid without prior registration for both the pitch event and 2ISP0.

Contact your Academic Advisor if you have any questions on including the ISBEP in your study program.