Project market and registration

A project market is organized twice an academic year and allows students to become acquainted with the squads, and to get an impression of the project topics for Project 2, Project 3 and the opportunities for your Final Bachelor Project. The project market gives an impression of the projects that will be offered the following semester. You can walk through the market, visit the market stands and ask questions. This contributes to making a conscious decision for a squad and project topic that aligns with your professional identity, vision and (envisioned) competency development for the consequent semester.

You can find the date of the next project market in the year planning on the forms and files page. More information will be available close to the project market date via this Canvas page.

Project registration

Registration of squad preferences opens on the day of the project market. You need to send in the form you will be able to find on the Canvas page before the deadline, as indicated in the form. One week before the start of the semester the project allocation is final, and you can check Osiris ("Overview registrations") for your allocated squad.

It is possible to indicate and motivate two squads in the form. Every squad has a maximum number of registrations. Please be aware that it is possible that you will not get the squad of your choice and you may be allocated to another squad.

CSA will register you for your project in Osiris.

A list with squads that offer projects for the following semester, can be found on the squad page and in Osiris.