This information is derived from the Program and Education Regulations.
If you have not passed an examination with a written final test, you can register yourself for the first subsequent centrally organized written retake of the final test for that study component. It could be that you are automatically registered for the retake, but it is your responsibility that you are registered for all examinations.
If you have not passed a Competence Assessment you are only eligible for a retake of the if you have completed the rubric criterium Design and Research Process with a sufficient grade. The examiner determines whether you can improve the work to (at least) a P or 6.0 with a retake within the timeframe of 3 weeks. CSA-ID will register you for the retake.
Improve your grade
If you wish to retake a final test of a course, you can register yourself through Osiris, or request the departmental CSA to register you for this no later than 10 working days before the scheduled date of the final test period.
If you wish to retake a Competence Assessment for a study component that you have successfully passed in order to improve your final grade, you must register at the departmental CSA no later than 10 working days before the scheduled date of the final test period. This means that for a Competence Assessment you need to contact CSA ID within 5 working days after receiving your result. Please take into account that this does not mean that you will improve your grade as it will be taken into account that you have had more time to come to the final deliverables.