Bachelor's Final Project

The Bachelor Final project (BEP, year 3) is the final project of the major Industrial Engineering, and an assessment of the academic proficiency. The BEP is an individual project of 10 ects (1BEPIE - internal project), or 15 ects (1BEPIE+1BEPIEX – external project), and can be performed in one quartile, or spread out over two quartiles. During the BEP, students demonstrate that they are capable of analyzing a perceived business problem in the field of Industrial Engineering and that they can communicate the set-up and findings of the research both in a presentation as well as in a written report. The course teaches students to individually perform research on a specific business problem, including the articulation of a clear research question, a transparent and relevant research methodology, data collection and analysis, and the formulation of possible causes and explanations for the problem, and directions for improvement. The project is carried out at, or in collaboration with a company/ external organization (1BEPIE+1BEPIEX). Alternatively students can opt for an internal variant of the BEP (1BEPIE). Students are supervised by an academic member of the school of Industrial Engineering.

Prerequisites and enrollment

For students from cohort 2017 and earlier, the following prerequisites apply:
- passed the first year exam (Propedeuse), and
- has obtained at least 50 ects major IE courses

For students from cohort 2018 and later, the following prerequisites apply:

A student can only enroll in the course if he/she has obtained at least 110 ects at the moment of enrollment, of which:

- All first year courses
- All Basic courses (25 ects)
- 65 ects major courses, incl. 1ZV00 (generation 2018) or 1ZV60
- 20 ects electives

Enrollment takes place in the semester preceding the BEP via OSIRIS. More specifically for start in Q3-4, registration is open from September 15th and to October 1st ; for start in Q1-2, registration is open from March 1st - 15th in de preceding academic year.

BEP and Quickscan
1CK100 (Quickscan) is phased out from September 2019 onwards. We encourage students that have 1CK100 in their package to switch from 1BEP0 + 1CK100, to 1BEPIE+1BEPIEX and an additional elective course.

Rubrics and Forms

Rubrics and forms, like the (final) assessment form, the code of conduct and requesting an extension can be found and downloaded on the Canvas page.

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More information

Want to know more? Contact CSA IEIS at +31 30 - 247 2190 or via the contact form below. 
