Diploma award sessions

Diploma award sessions

When you have finished you study program of the Bachelor or the Master, and you meet the requirements of the examinations committee, you can easily subscribe yourself in Osiris for the upcoming examination session. You can do this by clicking on Progress and then Qualification request. The deadline to do so is 20 days before the date of the exam. If you did not meet all requirements, the student should delay his/her registration until the next exam meeting.

Students of year groups 2016 and earlier can also subscribe for the examination session. There is no dilpom award session anymore, but students can go to the education administratration to receive their diplom. Students of year groups 2017 and later don't have a separate exam for their first year. They receive a certificate.

Finalisation Bachelor

The ceremony of the Bachelor certificates takes place publicly, once per year, and is part of MomenTUm. In MomenTUm we bring our academic ceremonies together in one big event. MomenTUm encompasses the anniversary of the university (Dies Natalis), the presentation of the honorary doctorate, the honoring of the best students and teachers of each year and the Bachelor's degree diploma ceremonies. Each year there will be a festive ceremony with speakers, music and a catwalk full of students, along with eateries. Our alumni are on campus for an alumni event and in the evening there is a big student party. See also the information page.

This year, MomenTUm will take place on Friday September 26th 2023. All graduates will receive an invitation for this.

Finalisation Master

The ceremony of the Master certificates takes place publicly, twice per year. The diploma award session can be called off in case of less than 10 participants.

De dates of the final examinations can be found under 'Final examination sessions', including the corresponding diploma award sessions. The date of the final presentation of your MSc thesis in five business days before the final examination date.