Sustainable Innovation

If you choose the Sustainable Innovation major you’ll combine courses on, for example, economics of innovation, transition studies and research methods and -projects.The major is completed with a number of technology courses. You can choose from the following specializations:

  • Sustainability for Urban Planning and Mobility
  • Sustainable Energy 

Elective courses
A quarter of the Bachelor’s program consists of elective courses that you can choose yourself. These allow you to change the emphasis in your program. You can opt to broaden your knowledge by following courses in a different specialization, or alternatively you can gain more in-depth knowledge in your own specialization.

Basic courses
As well as your major you’ll follow a number of basic courses such as mathematics and natural sciences. You’ll also learn technological design, and you’ll gain professional skills like teamworking and organization. These courses will give you the sound basis that you’ll need as an engineer.

USE courses
Finally you choose USE (User, Society and Enterprise) courses. These show you that technology always functions in a broader context. Engineers develop technology for users, to contribute to solving societal problems and to create economic opportunities for enterprises.

On average you’ll spend a third of your time on technology subjects, a third on social sciences subjects and a third on research methods and practical assignments.

More information

Want to know more? Contact Center for Student Administration IE&IS via +31 40 - 247 2190 or through the contact form below.

