Filosofie (MSc)

The Certificate is an initiative of the Philosophy and Ethics of Technology section of Eindhoven University of Technology. The section has received excellent marks for its research and for its teaching. To find out more about the section, the curriculum and the organization of the Certificate, please check this website. For any remaining questions, please email the Certificate Programme Director, Dr. Elizabeth O'Neill.

The Certificate is intended for students who are interested in the big picture. 'Why' is a word that frequently pops up in philosophy, and for good reasons. Why, for example, would you want to take the Certificate when your curriculum is already a busy one? And why would you turn to philosophy when you are studying to become an engineer?

Curriculum 2023-2024

The Philosophy Certificate consists of 15 ects, or more if a student desires. The courses are Master's level courses, equal a study load of 5 ects and most are in English. Two of the courses (10 ects) are compulsory. Choose at least one elective (5 ects). Students have to complete at least 10 ects on top of their regular course programme.

Course code Quarter Course name
0FC05 (1) Ethics of Technology
0FC06 (2) Philosophy of Science and Technology


Course code Quarter Course name
0LM120 (1) Perspectives on Medical Technology
0LM130 (4)

Ethics and the Risk Society

0LM140 (3) Let's Make Humans Better: Enhancement, Technology & Transhumanism
0LM150 (4) Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility
7QX6M0 (3) Architecture and Philosophy
0LM190 (2) Philosophy and Ethics of AI

Add certificate courses to your electives

Many of you have the option of taking electives as part of your Master’s degree. Often you will not have to take all 15 ects in addition to your normal courses. The Philosophy Certificate classes are Master's level courses. You may be able to use one of the Philosophy Certificate classes as an elective in your Master program. Contact your study advisor about the possibilities.

Add other courses to your certificate

If you are interested in including courses that are not listed above (e.g. courses from other universities) in your certificate studies, please contact the Certificate Programme Director: Dr. Elizabeth O'Neill.

Have you found incorrect or outdated information? If so, please send an email to Dr. Elizabeth O'Neill.

More information

Want to know more? Contact dr. Elizabeth O'Neill at +31 40 - 247 5941 or via the contact form below.
