Track 4. Smart cities


Smart buildings, IoT sensors, actuators, wearables, autonomous vehicles, robots, and Digital Twins enable a built environment with intelligence on the Edge that interacts with its users and responds to their needs. By relying on Artificial Intelligence and advanced engineering systems, we can create living, networked systems of systems that converge into the Smart City. Smart Cities extend beyond the use of digital technologies, as they enable a sustainable built environment, circular resource use and reduced environmental impact. The Smart City concept is empowered by intelligent buildings, smart urban environments and transportation networks, as well as upgraded water supply, waste disposal facilities and more energy-efficient lighting, heating and cooling systems. The backbone of the Smart City are its citizens; therefore, safe, healthy, and responsive buildings and urban environments are essential.

What you will learn

To enable the AI-powered cities of the future, the Smart Cities track covers learning objectives in the three main and interdependent aspects of the smart built environment: Buildings, Mobility and Citizens. In this track, you will learn the fundamentals of: 

  • Building Information Modelling and intelligent Buildings 
  • Building performance and energy systems simulation 
  • Robotics and building automation 
  • Digital design and manufacturing of built facilities 
  • Traffic simulations, innovative mobility services and traffic flows in the autonomous and electric vehicle era 
  • Data fusion and sensing in autonomous vehicles 
  • Advanced geographic data processing and Geographic Information Systems 
  • Smart urban systems and environments 
  • Computer vision, image processing and advanced cognitive engineering 
  • Smart Human-Environment interaction and Human-System interaction 

Track video Smart cities