
Under Downloads you will find the courses offered within the Chemical and Process Technology track and Molecular Systems and Materials Chemistry track. All courses have a study load of 5 credits based on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) except for the International Research/ Design Work Placement (6EMAC4) which has a study load of 15 ECTS.
Elective courses 6EMAC3 and 6EMAC4 can be chosen in any quartile, in consultation with the supervisor.


Besides the mentioned courses in the pdf, the department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry recommends the following courses offered by other TU/e departments. Course descriptions and information can be found on OSIRIS course guide. Some courses require specific prior knowledge, some courses have a study load of 2.5 ECTS. Contact the responsible lecturer for more information about the feasibility of the course for Chemical Engineering students.


Recommended courses from other TU/e departments

  Elective courses

4RM00     Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics





4BM30      Modelling Combustion

4EM10      Gasdynamics

4EM40      Heat and Flow in Microsystems




4EM50     Thermal Energy Storage

2DMN00   Design and Analysis of Experiments

4UM10      Microfluidics put to Work





3MT130    Transport in Porous Media

4BM50      Introduction to Petroleum Production

4LM50      Rheology


More information

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