Timeline Master

The master's program has two intake moments. The first quarter for the September intake is Q1, the first quarter for the February intake is Q3.

Please note that you need to register in Osiris for every course you plan to take. Deadlines and procedures can be found here.

Year 1: First quarter

  • Week 1: Information session by Program Chair (dr. Gerrit Rooks)
  • Week 1-2: Submit a list with your mentor preferences to the Program Coordinator (dr. Jaap Ham)
  • Week 3: Mentor assignment completed.You will receive an email from the Program Coordinator.
  • Week 5-6: Meet with your mentor
  • Week 6: Submit the Form Mentor Assignment (see Downloads) to the IE&IS Center for Student Administration via email ieis.csa@tue.nl
  • Week 6: Declaration concerning the TU/e Code of Scientific Conduct (see Downloads). This can be submitted via emailat the IE&IS Center for Student Administration ieis.csa@tue.nl

Year 1: Remaining quarters

  • In second quarter: Prepare for the international term; information meeting, selection of international courses; check International Course site
  • Third quarter: prepare your choice for electives and discuss with your mentor.
  • Third/fourth quarter: First preparation of the master’s thesis project (MTP) including deciding on a potential first supervisor. This could be the mentor, but a student might also decide to do his MTP in another group / with another mentor.
  • Within 9 months: Submit the Form Electives HTI (see Downloads) via email at the IE&IS Center for Student Administration ieis.csa@tue.nl in quarter 4 of your master program.

Year 2: First and second quarter

  • International semester
  • Prepare for start of your master thesis project upon return
  • Meet with coordinator graduation projects (dr. Uwe Matzat)

Year 2: Third and fourth quarter

  • Master Thesis Project