The goal of the master Track ‘Constructive Design Research’ is to prepare you for a PhD or career that contributes to the wider design research community.
You will develop your approach towards Research-through-Design, which consists primarily of the unique combination of high-quality prototyping skills, knowledge of theory and theory-inspired design and an attitude of independent thinking and doing. The main outcomes of your work are research prototypes described and explained through theoretical frameworks. This combination informs and inspires the future of technology design in society.
Ideally, you submit your first research papers during your master, join a research group abroad as part of the master, and become part of the Future Everyday or Systemic Change research groups and the larger design research community.
The Final Master Project should be conducted within one of the research groups of the Department and can result in the submission of a scientific publication and/or a PhD proposal. The track prepares you to continue as a PhD candidate in a design research setting. After the PhD you can pursue a career in academia at both national and international universities. However, a PhD may also lead to a start-up or a senior position within companies such as BMW, Philips, Microsoft or TomTom.