Guidelines report

The outcomes of the internship have to be described in a compact written report (in English). The underlying project description must be included in the report.

Your internship report has to contain the following elements:

  • summary
  • definition of the research problem
  • a clear description of the methodological aspects of the research
  • context of the project in literature
  • a clear description of the obtained results
  • discussion and interpretation of the results
  • conclusions and recommendations
  • list of literature references

There are no restrictions with respect to the minimum or maximum length of the report.

The first page of the report has to state the following information:

  • title of the report
  • student’s name
  • student IDNR
  • research group and department
  • name of the master’s program (Automotive Technology, Sustainable Energy Technology or Systems and Control)
  • names of the university supervisor and other supervisors
  • date

Writing this report is part of the 11 weeks (or 14 weeks in case of an extended internship) internship period. After processing feedback from the supervisor the final version of the report is uploaded in sharepoint.