Mentor matching procedure

General Timeline mentor matching procedure

NB: specific dates and locations will be communicated via CANVAS 1MC00/ 1MC05

The mentor matching procedure takes place during the first quarter after the start of your master, i.e. Q1 for student starting in September, and Q3 for student starting in February.

week 1: Introduction and Information Session (program, tracks, mentors, and mentor application procedure information)

week 1: Orientation Phase - Information about the mentors and their research lines. In this period you can already contact the potential mentors to plan a meeting in week 2-4. For information about the different tracks contact the OML Track leaders:

  • Services: Banu Aysolmaz
  • Supply chains: Laura Genga
  • Manufacturing and Maintenance: Alp Akcay
  • Transport and Mobility: Layla Martin

week 2-4: Mentor/student meetings. Contact the mentor available in the OML track of your choice, in order to plan an interview.  In this periodno commitments can be made between the student and mentor!!

Please make clear in the email to the mentor:

- Motivation for the selected Track and the respective Mentor

- Topics in which you are interested (within this selected track)

- CV: followed educational program untill now.

week 4-5: Mentor/student decisions. If match, then student fills in 'Form 01 OML Assignment Thesis Mentor' (see sub page 'Coaching and professional skills/ Mentor System') and hands it in - as soon as possible - at the education administration office. CANVAS shows an up-to-date overview of still available mentors. Students without a mentor can contact them.

end week 5: Students still without a mentor will be allocated.

week 6: First long meeting with the mentors. The student fills in 'Form 02 OML Elective Courses' (see sub page 'Coaching and professional skills / Mentor System') together with the mentor, and hands it in at CSA IEIS.