Previous challenges

2023-2024 Semester 1

2022-2023 Semester 1

Innovative Audiometry

Challenge owner: Maastricht University Medical Center (MUMC+)

Description: You can find the long description here

Short summary: Since different pathology might cause hearing loss, the testing of people’s hearing function – particularly in the case of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss – is difficult due to the physical characteristics of the skull and the head. To help people around the world with limited healthcare access, as well as small hospitals and hearing aid specialists, we aim to develop a mobile and semi-automated audiometry test facility for areas of need to provide basic audiometric care, but also as a screening tool at healthcare locations where staff is insufficiently trained. 

Can be chosen by students from: Biomedical Engineering; Computer Science and Engineering; Data Science; Medical Sciences and Engineering; Psychology & Technology; 

Design Self-Sustaining Light

Challenge owner: Intelligent Lighting Institute (ILI) in collaboration with Signify & Team IGNITE  

Description: You can find the long description here.

Short summary:

Light is a crucial element in the day lives of all people. Whether it be for biological reasons, working conditions, safety, or aesthetic pleasure. Though, light is often needed or desired at places without electricity. For example, in parks, rural areas, but even in areas devastated by natural disasters or in war zones. This provides us with a complex engineering challenge. Can we design energy independent, selfsustaining light? Can we use innovative technologies, such as Luminescent Solar Concentrators, or even inspiration from nature (e.g. bioluminescence), to create light that needs no connection to the electricity grid? What is needed to realize a desirable solution for users, that is technically feasible and economically desirable?

Can be chosen by students from: Electrical Engineering; Psychology & Technology; Chemical Engineering and Chemistry; Sustainable Innovation; Industrial Engineering; Applied Physics. 

Bratelle (sustainable) universal bra closure

Challenge owner: Bratelle

Description: You can find the long description here

Short summary:

Bratelle has developed a sustainable prosthetic bra for women with (chronic) lymphedema after breast cancer surgery. 
Because the size varies due to increase and decrease of edema fluid, there is a need for a flexible and universal closure, allowing for variation in sizes. Besides, Bratelle wants to make the bra (including parts) as circular as possible. The bra must meet the requirements from the medical (insurance) side, for example criteria from MDR. 
Are you interested in health, sustainability and design? Then this challenge could be perfect for you to make an impact for women with grievances after breast cancer! 

Can be chosen by students from: Biomedical Engineering; Medical Sciences and Engineering; Psychology & Technology; Sustainable Innovation; Industrial Engineering; Mechanical Engineering.

Cradle2Cradle Restorative Horticulture in Uganda

Challenge owner: Seed2Feed & Planetary Services (facilitators), Amelia Agro Africa (local organization) 

Description: You can find the long description here.

Short summary:

Do you want to contribute with your skills & knowledge to a more sustainable future in Africa? 
Yes?! Then this ISBEP is for you!
In collaboration with Seed2Feed, Planetary Service & Amelia Agro Africa, apply cradle-to-cradle technological solutions to regenerative horticulture to improve its natural resources use and greenhouse energy efficiency. 
Be part of the promotion of sustainable agriculture practices and local community capacity building in Uganda. 
This is your chance to have a meaningful impact in the world! 

Can be chosen by students from: Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences; Electrical Engineering; Chemical Engineering and Chemistry; Sustainable Innovation; Industrial Engineering; Mechanical Engineering. 

Smart Farming system in Tanzania

Challenge owner: Seed2Feed & Planetary Services (facilitators), Amelia Agro Africa (local organization) 

Description: You can find the long description here

Short summary:

Do you want to contribute with your skills & knowledge to a more sustainable future in Africa? 
Yes?! Then this ISBEP is for you!
In collaboration with Seed2Feed, Planetary Service & Profyta develop a smart farming system that monitors crops and collects relevant data for crop production optimization and research that can be easily tailored to different environmental contexts. 
Be part of the promotion of sustainable agriculture practices and local community capacity building in Tanzania.  
This is your chance to have a meaningful impact in the world!  

Can be chosen by students from: Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences; Computer Science and Engineering; Data Science; Electrical Engineering; Chemical Engineering and Chemistry; Sustainable Innovation; Industrial Engineering. 


Challenge owner: Eindhoven University of Technology 

Description: You can find the long description here

Short summary:
Pedestrians walking in crowds show complex dynamics and stunning collective motions. This challenge focuses on the development of quantitative models and fundamental understanding of the dynamics of human crowds, including the possibility to nudge crowd behaviors (e.g. via visual or audio stimuli). In this way we plan to achieve more efficient, safer and enjoyable commuting experience in dense urban environments. 

Can be chosen by students from:  Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences; Applied Physics; Electrical Engineering; Sustainable Innovation; Industrial Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Computer Science and Engineering B; Data Science; Applied Mathematics; 

Safe shopping

Challenge owner: Komen Beheer B.V. 

Description: You can find the long description here

Short summary: 
Covid-19 has changed food shopping: experts believe the coronavirus can survive on surfaces for an extended time, meaning that frequently touched objects such as shopping cart handles, represent a high risk of contamination. With a global food and grocery retail market valued over 10 trillion euro, the interests in developing better solutions to offer a safe shopping experience are high. 

We present a challenge to develop an automated, affordable, and always-clean shopping cart using latest far-UVC light technologies. The solution should protect the health and safety of workers and customers in the grocery shops. 

Can be chosen by students from: Computer Science and Engineering B; Electrical Engineering; Industrial Engineering; Mechanical Engineering;