Pre-master project

Pre-master project

The Pre-master project Design (Research) is the project in the pre-master’s program of the Department of Industrial Design. You work in a team on a design (research) challenge in the context of a squad, allocated based on your background. The ambition of this project is to get acquainted with the field of Industrial Design and develop in the required expertise areas. You learn more about different design (research) methodologies and activities in design (research), and (learn to) apply the ones that best match your interest and contexts. 

Within this project, you collaboratively manage your design (research) process and analyze a design (research) problem or challenge. As a team, you must demonstrate that you have considered attitude, knowledge and skills from at least four expertise areas in the designed system, product or service. 


You will be registered for DPB230 Project design (research) by CSA-ID and will be allocated to a squad.


The project is executed in one of the application domains of the squads. Within the squads, research and design go together in developing innovative systems, products and/or services. The application domains are derived from the research topics that are covered in the research groups of the department of Industrial Design. In each squad, staff members are gathered with specific expertise; each squad therefore covers a specific set of expertise areas.

During the project you are supported by, among others, the squad leader, scientific staff, experts from practice and PhD candidates. The team (consisting of other pre-master students) will be supported by a project coach, who is one of the fore-mentioned persons. The project coach will be your first contact person about the project and they will give you guidance in integrating your professional skills, knowledge and attitudes of the expertise areas in the project and deliverables. You will present your results in the squad, together with other bachelor and master students. In addition to the supervision by the project coach, the squad can also organize group teaching activities; e.g. co-coaching, (peer) feedback on presentations and demonstrations, workshops and lectures.