Competitive programming and problem solving

Smart and efficient algorithms are underlying many broadly used applications in everyday life. Nowadays, the development of software applications is at the forefront of technological innovation. Large tech companies are scouting students that are proficient in algorithmic problem solving and can work in teams on efficient implementation.

In that sense, programming contests can be considered a top sport. Skills such as teamwork and working under time pressure are required, and a student will need both talent and experience to be successful. Like many sports, simply practicing over and over again will help a lot!

First year: defining your level and ambition

After the first few weeks, teams of three will be formed. The first contest you will participate in is the EAPC = Eindhoven Algorithmic Programming contest in early October. Based on its results the team will define its ambition for the rest of the year (and beyond) and design its own training program

Your coach will provide the necessary training materials, and advise on the kind of contests and rankings one should strive for. Typical examples of contest assignments can be found in the links on the right, and on the Honors track judge.

Second year: Improve and apply your skills

In the second year you can continue to improve your skills by participating in various programming contest. Next to that, you will have the opportunity to apply your problem solving and programming skills in a research or company project. Furthermore, there will be a larger focus on your future career, and you will be able to explore internships, summer schools, and international experience.


This honors track suits students best when they

  • Are enthusiastic about problem solving
  • Are enthusiastic about programming
  • Are creative
  • Like a challenge
  • Want to become an expert on computational problem solving

More information

Want to know more? Contact Kevin Verbeek,

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