SFC54 - Surviving the Workfloor

Learning objectives: Learning how to thrive on the workfloor and dealing with the new situations and challenges that you might face in your first internship or job.

Content: Exciting, you are (soon) going to make the switch from being a student to your first internship or job! This usually also means getting to know new people, the company culture and learning about yourself as a young professional on the workfloor. Maybe you cannot wait to get started and/or maybe you are a bit nervous, especially when the starting date comes closer. This TU/e Career Academy workshop will help you deal with these nerves and provide you with tips what you can do before you start your job or internship to be well prepared (and relaxing is also part of this) and how you can get the most out of your first month in the company/university.

Planning 2023-2024
16 January 2024 13:30 - 15:15

Register through Osiris (course code SFC54)

This workshop is part of a cycle of short workshops in the field of Career Development.