Acces to master's program

This Bachelor's program gives you direct access to the following TU/e Master’s degree programs:

And the TU/e special master track:

With Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, you can also progress to other TU/e Master's degree programs or Master’s degree programs at the University of Twente and Delft University of Technology (depending on your electives). In addition, you can opt to do a Master’s degree program at a general university in the Netherlands or abroad. In short, there are numerous possibilities.

Admission to the Master's program Innovation Management
We recommend students of the Major Industrial Engineering and Management Science to follow one of these USE-packages in your elective package of your Bachelor’s program: the USE-package Customer Centricity or the USE-package Technology Entrepreneurship.

Students of the TU/e Bachelor College, not following the Major Industrial Engineering and Management Science*, will only be admitted if they have followed the elective package Innovation Management. We also recommend to follow the USE-package Customer Centricity.
Depending on the direction of your Major you have to follow some courses about business economics and research methods in the elective part of your Master’s program. The Admission Board decides which courses you have to follow. If you want more information about admission, please send an e-mail to

* *the criteria to be admitted might change on the short term.

Admission to the Master's program Operations Management & Logistics and the special master track Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Students of the TU/e Bachelor College, not following the Major Industrial Engineering and Management Science: the Admission Board decides whether you will be admitted. We recommend to follow the elective package ‘preparation Master OML for non-IE’ during your Bachelor's program. Depending on the direction of your Major, the Admission Board decides which other courses you have to follow in order to be admitted. If you want more information about admission, please send an e-mail to

More information

Want to know more? Contact Kirkels, Arjan at +31 40 - 247 5761 or via the contact form below. 
