A-Z Keuzepakketten

De informatie op deze pagina is gericht op studenten die in 2022/2023 of eerder zijn gestart met hun studie. Voor studenten die in 2023/2024 zijn begonnen met hun studie wordt de informatie nog bijgewerkt.

Overzicht keuzepakketten

Op deze pagina vind je het overzicht van alle coherente keuzepakketten op alfabetische volgorde. Gebruik de PlanApp om te zien of jouw keuzepakketten in de juiste tijdsloten vallen. 

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Disclaimer: sommige coherente pakketten worden binnenkort geupdate, houd daarom deze pagina regelmatig in de gaten. 

Overzicht pakketten

Overzicht pakketten
  Pakket (pdf)   Taal
A Aankomend tweedegraads lerarenopleiding   Nederlands
  Aansluitend tweedegraads lerarenopleiding   Nederlands
  Advanced Classical Physics   Engels
  Advanced Data Science   Engels
  Advanced Information Systems for IE   Engels
  Advanced Operations Management (Advies start in Q4 jaar 1)   Engels
  Advanced Product Innovation for IE   Engels
  AIES Signals, systems and control (starting academic year 2022-2023)   Engels
  AIES Signals, probability and data bases (starting academic year 2022-2023)   Engels
  Algorithmics   Engels
  Analysis and Geometry   Engels
  Analysis of Information Systems for CSE   Engels
  Architecture and urbanism   Engels
  Architecture    Engels
B Biological Physics   Engels
  Brain, perception, action   Engels
  Building physics: Building and Environment   Engels
  Building physics: Building Climate and Systems   Engels
  Buildign physics: The Science of Sound and Music   Engels
  Business Analytics (Minor Tilburg University)   Engels
  Business Decision Support (non IE)   Engels
  Business Economics   Engels
  Business Information Management (non IE)   Engels
C Care and Cure   Engels
  Chemische Biologie   Nederlands/Engels
  Chemical and Process Technology   Engels
  Cognition and social interaction   Engels
  Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence (Minor Tilburg University)   Engels
  Combinatorial Optimization   Engels
  Computational Biology   Nederlands/Engels
  Computational Science   Engels
  Computer Science Essentials   Engels
  Computer Science for Data Science   Engels
  Computer Science Research Project   Engels
  Comuters and computational Techniques for Physicists   Engels
  Connected world   Engels
D Data Analysis Foundations for Mathematics   Engels
  Data and Algorithmic Foundations for Mathematics   Engels
  Data Modeling Foundations for Data Science   Engels
  Data Science and Entrepreneurship, minor (Minor Tilburg University)   Engels
  Data Science for CSE   Engels
  Data Science for IE&IS   Engels
  Design of Energy Systems   Engels
  Design for Games and Play   Engels
  Designing, experimenting and modeling (Alleen voor ME)   Engels
E Economics of Innovation    Engels
  Electric and hybrid vehicles   Engels
  Electric and hybrid vehicles (non-EE/AT)   Engels
  Electrical power conversion and delivery (starting academic year 2022-2023)   Engels
  Energy   Engels
F Finance and Risk   Engels
  Flow, Structure and Strength   Engels
  Foundations of Program Construction and System Behavior   Engels
G Game design   Nederlands
H Healthcare Logistics (Advies start in Q4 jaar 1)   Engels
  High Tech Systems Design   Engels
I IAM master opstappakket   Engels
  Imaging   Nederlands/Engels
  Industrial Engineering Experience   Engels
  Innovation Management (non IE)   Engels
  Intelligent Vehicles: Communication, Sensing and Perception   Engels
  Interactive Intelligent Systems (niet meer in 2020-2021)   Engels
  Introduction in Automotive   Engels
  Introduction to Electrical Engineering   Engels
  Introduction to Business Economics   Engels
L Liberation of Light   Engels
  Logistic Information systems (non IE)   Engels
M Machine Learning and Information Processing for Communications   Engels
  Marketing Analytics (Minor Tilburg University)   Engels
  Mathematics Major Plus   Engels
  Medical Engineering   Nederlands/Engels
  Modern Physics   Engels
  Molecular Systems and Materials Chemistry   Engels
  Multi-scale fenomenen en technieken (Niet meer in 2020/2021)   Engels
N Nano-science and technology (Advies start in Q4 jaar 1)   Engels
  Network & Operating Systems for Data Science   Engels
  Neuro Engineering   Engels
  Neuro system design (starting academic year 2022-2023)   Engels
P Porous Media interuniversity elective package   Engels
  Preparation master Innovation Sciences   Engels
  Preparation master OML (non IE)   Engels
S Security   Engels
  Smart Mobility Design   Engels
  Statistics and research methodology   Engels
  Stochastics: Theory and Applications   Engels
  Structural Engineering and Design: Advanced Structural Engineering   Engels
  Structural Engineering and Design: Structural Engineering Essentials   Engels
  Sustainable Technology in Society   Engels

System Architecture

  System Design & Analysis   Engels
T Tissue engineering   Nederlands/Engels
U Utrecht (Mathematics at UU)   Nederlands/Engels
  Urban Systems, Real Estate and Construction Management 1   Engels
  Urban Systems, Real Estate and Construction Management 2   Engels
  Urbanism   Engels
  USE Data Challenges   Engels
  USE Decisions under Risk and Uncertainty   Engels
  USE Design for a Sustainable Future   Engels
  USE Digital Twin in Healthcare   Engels
  USE Engineering Design   Engels
  USE Internet of things   Engels
  USE New Product Development and Marketing   Engels
  USE Patents, design rights and standards   Engels
  USE Physics of Social Systems   Engels
  USE Quality of Life   Engels
  USE Robots Everywhere   Engels
  USE Technology Entrepreneurship   Engels
  USE The Secret Life of Light   Engels
W Work & Organizational psychology (non IE) (Advies start in Q4 jaar 1)   Engels
  Work & Organizational psychology for IE (Advies start in Q4 jaar 1)   Engels


Meer informatie

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