
Doing an Honors Bachelor Program in one of the tracks, means a workload of about 10 hours per week. So are you prepared to go all the way and do what it takes, no matter what? Do you have the drive to propel yourself, even when things get tough? Do you have an open mind and are you eager to learn?

If the answer is ‘Yes’ you need to apply for a position at the Honors Track of your choice. Please note that you can only apply to one track. The Honors Academy aims for the top 10% students. Selection takes place on motivation.
Application is open to students who have received an invitation from the Dean of the Honors Academy. If you have not received this letter but feel you qualify for honors work, please apply for a position too.

You can check the timeline of the application procedure for the deadlines.

Application procedure

1. Attend the General information meeting and read more about the tracks. Each track will be presented in a short pitch during this general information meeting and the program will be explained more in detail. There is also time to ask your question.

2. Attend one or more information sessions per track to get to know the honors track and meet the coordinator of the track.

3. Attend the Check Your Match event for last minute questions and to meet other honors students.

4. Hand in your application letter and your CV (2 page maximum) (combined in one pd file) to the track of your choice.

5. Based on the received application letters and CVs, a first selection takes place: the track coordinator will decide which students are invited for an application interview. Selected students will receive an invitation for an application interview with the coordinator of your chosen Honors Track.

6. The track coordinator sends a recommendation to the Dean of the Honors Academy.

7. The Dean decides if you are conditionally admitted. The Honors Academy administration will inform you about this decision by e-mail in June. Because at this time, you still need to do the exams of Quartile 4 / Interim period, not all results of your 1st bachelor year will be available and you will be conditionally admitted to the Honors program.

8. Early September, the Honors Academy administration will check your study progress if you fullfill the admission requirements when all results of your 1st bachelor year will be available. If necessary you will be invited to send in an extra letter indicating how you think you can combine your study delay with the Honors program. If needed you will also be invited for an extra interview.

NOTE: Although you are not final admitted in September, you can already start with the program (attending Kick off, intro weekend and track activities).

9. Begin October: In case you fullfill all admission requirements: you will be officially accepted and admitted to the Honors Bachelor Program.