Information session - general and per track

General information session

The general information session for academic year 2024-2025 will take place on:

Date: Time: Location:
March 18, 2024 12:35 - 13:25 hrs tba

Information session per track

The track information sessions will take place between March 19 - 28, 2024. Check this table for date and location of the track sessions.

Track Date


Artificial Intelligence

tba tba

Competitive programming and problem solving

tba tba

Empowerment for Health & Wellbeing

tba tba
Energy Transition tba tba
High Tech Systems tba tba


Networked Society tba


Nuclear Fusion Power for the Netherlands tba tba
Radio Astronomy tba tba

SensUs Organization

tba tba
Smart Cities tba


Smart Mobility tba tba

Check Your Match event

This is the ideal opportunity to ask all your questions concerning the Honors Academy and the different tracks! Meet and greet students from different tracks.

Date: Time: Location:
tba tba Hall Atlas