Core courses

The master program AI&ES includes six core courses for a total of 30 ECTS. These six core courses are all scheduled in the 1st year of the program. Moreover, all students follow the same program of three compulsory core courses in the 1st quarter of the program (Q1), which ensures a solid common disciplinary foundation for all students. The core courses are designed specifically for AI&ES students and address artificial intelligence in an engineering context. The core courses are designed to cover six relevant core topics for AI&ES engineers:

  1. Data science
  2. Human interaction and ethics
  3. Programming
  4. Engineering systems
  5. Learning in AI
  6. Mathematics
Core topic Course Code Quarter Timeslot
Data science 1. Data acquisition and analysis 5ARB0 1 C
Human interaction and ethics 2. Human and ethical aspects of AI 5ARC0 1 E
Programming 3. Software engineering for artificial intelligence 5ARA0 1 D2
Engineering systems 4a. Physical and data-driven modelling 4CM40 3 D
  4b. *Control principles for linear systems 5ARD0 2 A
Learning in AI 5a. Bayesian machine learning and information processing  5SSD0 2 D2&D3
  5b. Decision making with artificial and computational intelligence 1BM120 4 C
Mathematics 6a. Statistical signal processing 5CTA0 1 A
  6b. Engineering optimization 4DM20 3 B

*Students with a TU/e BSc diploma in EE, ME or AP are also allowed to choose the course Control principles for engineered systems (5SMC0). Students from generation 2022-2023 are allowed to replace the course Control principles for engineered systems (5SMC0) with the course Control principles for linear systems (5ARD0). 

Topics 1, 2 and 3 are each covered by one compulsory core course that are all scheduled in the 1st quarter (Q1).

For topics 4, 5 and 6, you can choose one out of two possible core courses. In this way you can tailor your program to your own interests and bachelor background.

The research groups where you want to do your graduation project may require a specific choice of core courses so you should discuss your choices with your track mentor or intended graduation supervisor. Any core course that is not part of your personalized core course program, may of course be chosen as a free elective course if you wish to do so.

Courses at TU/e are scheduled in timeslots. Within your AI&ES study program you should prevent choosing core courses, specialisation courses and free elective courses that are scheduled in the same quarter and timeslot: you cannot follow two courses in the same quarter and timeslot. Within your AI&ES study program you should also prevent courses schedules overlaping with the interdisciplinairy team project in Q3 and Q4.  

Please be aware of the registration deadlines for enrolling in courses and examinations.