Specialization courses

Each track includes four track specialization courses worth a total of 20 ECTS. The specialization courses bridge AI and ES and prepare for further research projects in the selected track.

The specialization courses aim to cover four themes, namely: 

  1. Domain-specific knowledge 
  2. AI in Engineered Systems 
  3. Data Cultivation 
  4. Learning and Intelligence 

After consultation with your track mentor, you choose one course worth 5 ECTS for each theme. You can only select courses as listed in the specialization course list of the track you are registered.

Please be aware of the registration deadlines for enrolling in courses and examinations.

Courses at TU/e are scheduled in timeslots. Within your AI&ES study program you should prevent choosing core courses, specialisation courses and free elective courses that are scheduled in the same quartile and timeslot; you cannot follow two courses in the same quartile and timeslot.
Within your AI&ES study program you should also prevent choosing courses that overlap in schedules with the Interdisciplinary Team Project in Q3 and Q4. Use the quartiles and timeslots to build yourself a feasible schedule and study program.  

Important updates about the specialization courses for 2022 student cohort

The students who have started their AI&ES master program in the 2022-2023 academic year, are allowed to choose from the new specialization courses that have been introduced for each track in the 2023-2024 academic year. For these courses the registration is done as usual, via Osiris. The track mentors are able to support the students with their choices for the new specialization courses. A list of the specialization courses from last year as published in the PER (OER) can be found in the Downloads section below.