Free elective courses

Free elective courses

Students of the master program AI&ES choose free elective courses worth a total of 15 ECTS.

For students with deficiencies, the free elective courses may serve the purpose of homologation. Homologation study components comprise no more than 15 ECTS of the total master program.

For students who do not have deficiencies, the choice of electives is only subject to the boundaries of the general criteria prescribed by the Graduate School. Students should ascertain that study components in their program do not have overlap in contents. Free elective courses may be selected from:

  1. core courses van AI&ES (other than the ones chosen in the program of examinations)
  2. additional courses from the same or other AI&ES tracks
  3. courses from any TU/e master program
  4. courses from master programs from other universities (Dutch and abroad)
  5. courses necessary for homologation
  6. language course (Dutch or English, both as a foreign language) at C level.

Students should consult with their track mentor or intended graduation supervisor about the choice of free elective courses. 

Most often, elective courses help prepare for the graduation project. The research group where you do your graduation project may have wishes or suggestions concerning courses that you should follow. Therefore, you should consult with your track mentor or intended graduation supervisor about the choice of free elective courses.

Please be aware of the registration deadlines for enrolling in courses and examinations.

Courses at TU/e are scheduled in timeslots. Within your AI&ES study program you should prevent choosing core courses, specialisation courses and free elective courses that are scheduled in the same quartile and timeslot; you cannot follow two courses in the same quartile and timeslot. Within your AI&ES study program you should also prevent courses schedules overlaping with the interdisciplinairy team project in Q3 and Q4. Use the quartiles and timeslots to build yourself a feasible schedule and study program.

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